Monday, March 31, 2014

Nineteen Eighty-Four

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell

While reading the novel select one quotation which “strikes” you and write it down. Include a proper reference to the quotation you select. 

Example: “One of these days, thought Winston with sudden deep conviction, Syme will be vaporized.” (Orwell, p. 56) 

The reason for selecting a specific quotation should be because it… 

Annoys you…
Angers you…
Inspires you…
Frustrates you…
Makes you think…
Confuses you…
Reminds you…

  1. State which of the above apply to the selected quotation.
  2. Tie the quotation to the story in such a way as to give a bit of background to it.
  3. In a clearly structured paragraph respond to the quotation with an explanation about why the quotation addresses one of the above concerns. (topic sentence, developing sentences and concluding sentence) 
Example: “One of these days, thought Winston with sudden deep conviction, Syme will be vaporized.” (Orwell, p. 56) It angers me to think that Winston lives in a society where he is able to consider that his friends or even his coworkers might just disappear one day. That they would disappear for having committed a thought-crime makes the realization of the absolute control of the totalitarian government even more repugnant. Winston, through the voice of the narrator, muses on the myriad ways that people in his society can merely disappear, and then even disappear from all references - as if they had never existed. I would like to think that if I lived in such a society that I, too, would be a rebel. I’d like to think that I would join forces with others to overthrow such an authoritarian regime. But what chance would I have. If I had grown up in such a regime, how would I know what political system would better afford the freedom that I so desperately craved?